
  • Senior women doing Mandukasana pose
    Restorative Yoga is just one of the many offerings we have at the Atma Bhakti Center

What is the Atma Bhakti Center?

“The Atma Bhakti Center is a spiritual cultural center in East Dallas devoted to sharing the experience of self-transformation through the timeless culture and practices of Bhakti-yoga. It’s a center of authentic learning and a great place to develop community. We are a partner with the Bhakti Center which has centers around the world”

Want to get in contact with us? Send us an e-mail at: info@atmabhaktiyoga.com
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We practice and teach the traditional yoga sciences, to harmonize the body and senses for a higher purpose


To train the mind and senses so they do not distract us from seeking our real self 


To contemplate life from a spiritual perspective

Culture and Community

To live a life centered on the principle of service, to the divine and to each other


Our Inspiration

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We draw our inspiration and guidance from the life and teachings of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who first brought the culture of Bhakti to the Western world beginning on New York’s Lower East Side. He is widely regarded as the worlds pre-eminent exponent of the teachings and practices of Bhakti-yoga.

